Course #1 - Bible Study Methods & Rules of Interpretation 6 credits An introduction to basic Bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and the development of practical skills. Students will learn to determine what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied. Course Goals:
Course #2 - Old Testament Survey 3 credits A broad overview and survey of the Old Testament designed to emphasize the structure, theme and message of the Old Testament and each of its 39 individual books in order to provide understanding of God’s self-revelation and His plan of redemption. Course Goals:
• who God is
• who man is
• the purpose for which man was created
• the nature and consequences of sin
• the gracious love and mercy of God expressed in redemption
• the integrity, unity and value of the Word of God. 5. To encourage pastors and church leaders to learn from the examples and illustrations of the Old Testament. 6. To encourage pastors and church leaders to walk by faith before God. 7. To encourage pastors and church leaders to fully obey the Word of God. 8. To exhort pastors and church leaders to preach and teach the principles, truths and concepts of the Old Testament. Course #3 - New Testament Survey 3 credits An overview survey of the New Testament focusing on the theme, purpose, structure and basic content of each individual book and relating each book to the whole Bible. Strong emphasis is also given to the applicational message of each book. Course Goals:
Course #4 - Preaching Biblical Messages & Pastoral Ministry 6 credits The first part of this course, Preaching Biblical Messages, is designed to equip and train pastors with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare and communicate expository messages from God’s Word. The goal of these messages is that they be biblically accurate and responsive to the needs of people. Emphasis is placed on practical preparation of the preacher and his message with numerous examples and practice assignments. The second part of the course, Pastoral Ministry, is designed to equip pastors with knowledge and practical skills required for effective ministry in the church which is fruitful from God’s perspective. Course Goals:
Course #5 - Bible Doctrine Survey 3 credits A survey and summary of the ten major doctrines of the Bible with an emphasis on the pastor or church leader knowing God more fully while understanding and practicing sound theology. Course Goals:
Course #6 - Personal Spiritual Life 3 credits This course is designed to teach pastors and church leaders the basic concepts and principles of the spiritual life so that they can personally grow to spiritual maturity and live a life that is pleasing to God. Course Goals:
Course #7 - Church Ministry & Administration 6 credits This course is designed to teach pastors and church leaders the basic concepts and principles of the spiritual life so that they can personally grow to spiritual maturity and live a life that is pleasing to God. Course Goals:
Course #8 - Teaching Principles & Methods 3 credits Designed to equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach God’s Word. Much emphasis is placed on the pastor’s role as teacher and the biblical goal of teaching. Course Goals:
Course #9 - Church History Survey 1&2 6 credits This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the principal people; the major political, historical, and cultural developments; the main religious movements; and the doctrinal issues which have influenced and shaped the Christian church throughout its 2000 year history. Course Goals:
Course #10 - Missions Evangelism & Discipleship 3 credits This three-part course is designed to ground pastors and church leaders in the basic biblical principles of missions, evangelism, and discipleship so that the church can accomplish its God-given task of bringing lost people to Christ and building them up in Christ. Course Goals:
Course # 11 -Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew 3 credits The introduction to Hebrew is to give the student a preparatory knowledge of Biblical Hebrew , starting from the zero level of the language to succeed in reading and translating certain verses of the Hebrew Bible without too much difficulty. The vocabulary and grammar of the language are taught with application exercises taken from the Bible. Course # 12- Introduction to New Testament Greek 3 credits This course provides an introduction to Greek New Testament morphology and grammar. It will also lead the student to take his first steps in reading and understanding the Greek New Testament. Course #13 – Daniel and Revelation 6 credits The books of Daniel and Revelation are classified as being works of the literary and apocalyptic genre, they are abobe all prophetic books, as indicated by the authors themselves( Rev 1:3; 22:7,10.18.19). This course presents a detailed exposition of Daniel and Revelation, based on literal and grammatical hermeneutics, and taking into account its place in the progressive revelation of God. Course #14 Ministerial Internship Service 3 credits The Associate degree in pastoral theology requires an internship of at least one year during which the student puts into practice everything he has learned in the classroom. At the end of the internship the student is entitled to preach and to teach the word of God. He is equipped to give pastoral care to an entire Christian Assembly, to officiate in funeral and nuptial ceremonies, to evangelize sinners , to edify saints and to equip servants, After completing 60 credits , the student receives the degree of Associate in Pastoral Theology.Bachelor of Pastoral Theology The Bachelor in theology requires 60 credits after the Associate in Theology. CTP- 301Church Ministry – 3 SH Credit
Designed to prepare the student with a working knowledge of ministering in the local church. How to perform the various functions required of the pastor is presented to the student. CTP-302 Bible Doctrine I – 3 SH Credit
A study of the Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is a basic course for all first and second year students. CTP-303 Bible Doctrine II 3 SH Credit
A continuation of Bible Doctrine I, and includes the study of the Scriptures, man, angels, Satan, the church, faith, justification, adoption, and the last things. CTP-304 Angels and the Spirit World – 3 SH Credit
Looks at what the Bible has to say regarding angels and spirits. CTP-305 General Theology I – 3 SH Credit
Seeks to simplify doctrinal concepts and presents them in a readily understandable form as they are set forth in the Scriptures. The student will study the meaning and purpose of theology, Bibliology, theology proper. Christology, and Pneumatology. CTP-306 General Theology II – 3 SH Credit
A continuation of General Theology I and presents a study of anthropology, hamartiology, soteriology, ecclesiology, angelology, and eschatology. CTP-307 Law and Grace – 3 SH Credit
Leads the student into an understanding of the basic principles of law and grace and what it means to be under grace rather than law CTP-308 Apologetics – 3 SH Credit
A study of the defense of the Holy Scriptures with the approach to help the student to defend the faith, which was once delivered to the saints against the attacks and ridicule of those who oppose Christianity. CTP-309 The Life of Christ – 3 SH Credit
An in-depth study is made of the life of Christ, His Words, and Works from the point of view that He is the preexistent Son of God. CTP-310 Mosaic Writings – 3 SH Credit
An advanced and in-depth study of the Pentateuch on the Master’s level. The student explores the first five books of the Bible as to their background, their authenticity, and their content. CTP=401 Romans – 3 SH Credit
An exposition of the book of Romans is conducted allowing the student not only to study about the author and purpose, but explore the doctrinal truths as found in the book. CTP-402 The Gospel of John – 3 SH Credit
Allows the student to do an exposition of the Gospel according to John. A study is made of the author, its purpose, its message, and doctrinal truths. This is taught on the Master’s level and is very in-depth CTP-403 Typology – 3 SH Credit
A thorough examination of typology, not only as a Biblical and theological subject, but also a study of the connection with all Christian doctrine. CTP-404 Isaiah – 3 SH Credit
An in-depth study of Isaiah is presented. Isaiah has been called the Gospel of the Old Testament. Also, a practical study of the historical setting, the author, his message, and the theme of the book are considered. CTP-405 Writings of Paul – 3 SH Credit
Covers the New Testament books: Romans through Philemon. CTP-406 Expositional Methods – 3 SH Credit
A prerequisite to taking any of the Expositional Bible Studies offered. The student is exposed to the expository method of preaching and teaching. The methods learned in this course will aid the student in completing courses in Biblical exposition. CTP-407 The Pentateuch – 3 SH Credit
Designed to acquaint the student with the first five books of the Old Testament, giving an overview of God’s working among man from creation to Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. CTP-408 Israel’s History – 3 SH Credit
Leads the student to explore the 12 historical books of the Old Testament, Joshua through Esther. A study is made of the founding of Israel as a nation until Babylonian captivity, as well as the post-captivity period. CTP-409Manners and Customs I – 3 SH Credit
Provides insight to the customs behind many of the Old Testament passages. The student will find this course to be of great value and unlike most courses offered in this field. Th-410 Independent Research – 3 SH Credit
Includes a major writing project in the field of theology whereby the student is allowed to research an area of personal interest. The course is designed for the student working towards the Bachelor of Theology. The research paper should contain no less than 10,000 words. The institution must approve the title and a preliminary outline before the student begins the formal research At the end of 60 completed credits beyond the Associate degree, for a total of 120 credits, the student receives a Bachelor in Pastoral Theology.